World of warship operation
World of warship operation

world of warship operation

In this case, it's much better to show than tell, but keep in mind that what you see here is a prototype.

world of warship operation

This has been one of the most requested features since the game first became available. Yes indeed, you’ll be able to switch to a different Port with preferable lighting or a different backdrop if you don’t enjoy whatever we’re using for the current update at the time. In no particular order, the features are:

world of warship operation

That said, we do have a few features that we’re 94.325% certain will be delivered before the end of this year, so read on to find out more! Hey Legends, you ask us to share our development plans daily, and we’re always very hesitant to do so, primarily out of fear of overpromising and underdelivering in a world that’s moving incredibly rapidly at times.

World of warship operation