Eternium farming gemstones 2019
Eternium farming gemstones 2019

eternium farming gemstones 2019

Find a level with a lot of densely-packed enemies or an easy to reach boss, and kill as fast as you can. You can get by with jewelry crafted with rough gems or no gems at all for a while. Before that, you just can't move through levels fast enough to make farming worth it.

eternium farming gemstones 2019

Also, wait until you can do around 40k damage. Not until level 70- You don't want to farm items which will someday be obsolete. I understand you lost revenues in removing ads, but you'll also may lose free to play gamers now like students and children that might invest real money in the future.ATTENTION: Feel free to share your own friend code HERE: Friend Codes, nowhere else on the wiki, to keep things clean and organised. Increase the gem drops in story mode and in trials.Ģ50 gems is no joke, devs.

eternium farming gemstones 2019

Rework also the achievements, add harder tasks with higher gem rewards.ħ. Increase the 30-gem package, you might increase the price, but make it reasonable since it is the most affordable.Ħ. Have gem rewards every trial completion, make at least one guaranteed gem reward everytime one finishes a trial level.ĥ. Increase the gem rewards in the story mode quests, to encourage players to play those quests repeatedly.Ĥ. From 20 every daily quest, make it 50 gems.ģ. If one misses a day, he/she must start again.Ģ. Instead of those chests, gold and 330 gems, make it a gem calendar, a player must log-in everyday to have increased gem rewards. On the other side, gem farming is not a problem anymore, so as a daily player (I haven't missed a single day playing since I started), may I have these simple suggestions on how to get free gems:ġ. So, is it really goodbye for most of free to play gamers? But I hope not, as your note said you will find ways to earn gems in-game. I oftentimes buy the 30-day gem package but not every month, and I bought all the season passes except the first season. It was my (and most of us) source of gems for almost 3 years of playing, trying to get at least 300 gems everyday, and I even farm ad boxes while working (work from home just to make it clear), my phone at my side, playing Fiery Pits and wait my toon to be killed once then running on the side then click at box while typing office documents, was my daily routine for years.

Eternium farming gemstones 2019